This is Mr. T and my engagement picture: August 2002
And at our wedding day: March 2003

That first year of marriage wasn't so good where the scale was concerned.
(ignore the grumpy 3 year-old)
One year anniversary: March 2004
weight: (I'm guessing) 170
( sad)
double UGH!
After 7 years of thinking I was okay with being 30 pounds heavier then I was on my wedding was time to actually change things...for good!

This past October, Mr. T got on board with the weight loss idea and joined a site called It's awesome. You put in your current weight...goal weight...and how much you want to lose a week and the site tells you how many calories you can eat each day. Then you put in everything you eat and it counts the calories. They have a HUGE database of food items, and even restaurants...or if you can add your own food items and how many calories are in each item. It was very simple to use...
From our start date in October till Christmas, Mr. T went from 200 pounds to 170 pounds. I had lost 10 pounds over the summer and from October till Christmas I lost an additional 15 pounds, putting my total weight loss for the year at 25 pounds.
I know that weight loss can be challenging and difficult...but for the first time in the 7 years I had been was simple...simple! And let me put it out there that I never felt unsatisfied or hungry...I ate what my body needed and no more.
Maybe it was because I was finally at the point where I was actually ready to make some changes, but I couldn't believe how quickly the weight came off. I learned a LOT of things that maybe I should have learned long ago...but it's never too late right? :)
One of the biggest things that changed was how I cooked. I took all the recipes we love and made simple changes to lower their was much simpler then I thought and SO much fun! We have eaten a lot of delicious meals! So why should I keep them to myself.
I decided to start a blog where I can post all the low cal recipes we have used and new ones we are trying. Each recipe lists the ingredients, directions, calorie counts and even the info you need to figure out the points if you are on Weight Watchers points plus.
I would love for you to check out and try out some of the recipes and let me know what you think.
Oh....and or course a before and after pic, because I am so proud of us!

Yeah for 2010 and finally getting us back down to the weights we met and fell in love at!
You look so good! I just opened both those sites, yours and the weight loss one up to check them out. Yay!
Go girl (and hubby!)
Yay for you Going over to follow now!!!
you both look GOOD! i am seriously impressed that you could lose 25 pounds during the Holidays!!
my husband used the loseit app on his phone and had lots of success with it.
i will definitely add your new blog to my reader. i am going to have lots of weight to lose once this baby finally decides to make her grand arrival!
Love the new blog. After I get done with the week of giveaways I plan to get back to the cooking blog. One step at a time.
You two really look great! I've been needing some motivation. Thanks for finally posting a picture of the two of you! :) Keep up the good work.
wow, that's AWESOME! on my way to check out your low-cal recipes...good luck w/ the new blog!
You guys look great! I love your new blog and have printed off the recipes to try! I am looking to lose my baby weight. Thanks for sharing your tips!!! How in the world do you do it ALL girl??
you look really great, congrats!!
You both look great! Kudos to you on sticking with it. I'm excited about the new blog - going over to follow now.
I had to facebook your link, the new blog is awesome! You and David look amazing! But i have always thought that.
You both look FABULOUS! Good luck with the new blog! I'm excited to check it out ~ I love me a new recipe! :)
Good for you guys!! Awesome. I'm currently checking out your recipes:)
You guys look fanfreakintastic!!!! Does that put you at your high school weight? Seriously, you look just like you did back then! I am in awe of you and am determined to follow your lead! :)
This new blog is great! Immediately posted it to my blog list, so hopefully everyone that visits ITLT is checking it out!
Job well done, Thompson's!
~Karla XO
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