My sister has been decorating her entire home (she moved in just over a month ago...I'll be posting her before and afters at a later date)...anyway...she is WAY into jewelry and this is how she decided to display/organize/accessorize her wall above her dresser...

I absolutely LOVE it. If only I had a wall for such an array...or...if only my husband would ever be okay with necklaces adorning our walls (I have hung mine on a small bare wall in my closet...nicely organized, but only I get to enjoy their beauty)!
The furniture in her room was our grandparents...I am hoping when I am up there (Seattle) in January that she will let me change them up a bit....
Um, I just discovered this blog. Like, 1 minute ago. Is it because you always comment on my blog as Dallin? How did this happen??
Yea, totally up to allowing you to update my stuff. Some paint and new knobs would be fabulous!!! By the way if I ever get a husband they may not appreciate my "girl" room!! Love you!
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