Sunday, November 1, 2009

November Meal Challenge...

I am going to admit it...I am...we eat out TOO much!  I am going to give you my excuses...I buy 'em, can you?!

-I run my errands between 10am and noon, so I can get Lil D down for a nap by is just SO much easier to grab him something to eat while we are out...this happens A LOT...yep, I'll admit it...I feed my kid some seriously healthy food:)

-Saturdays...we often eat out for lunch AND dinner.  That whole errand thing again...and then there's the "it's Saturday, let's go out for dinner"...nice right?!

-Which leads us to "it's Friday, let's go out for dinner"...awesome...of course, that could be said for any day of the week!

-Then there are those weeks, when things are busy and I don't want to get creative and I refuse to cook a box of mac and cheese (I don't even think there is one in my cupboard) we go out to eat. There are weeks when I also do really good...I want that to happen more.

I do cook dinner a lot...I LOVE to cook...especially when it is trying something new.  So the problem really lies in the lunch eating out aspect more then the dinner...but it all adds up the same....(and I'm not just talking about the pocket book here)


Here's my goal...
and a challenge to anyone who wishes to join in...
For the month of November...


for the entire month...any meal!

yep, you heard eating out.  I can't believe I am actually even attempting to commit to this.  However, my littlest sister makes these types of commitments every year.  She went a whole year with NO chocolate and another whole year with no fast food.  I can go a month with no restaurant attendance right?  PLUS...If I am making the commitment to the blog world I may feel a little more inclined to keep it. I am also hoping with the weather getting cold, that I will just not want to leave my home and would rather stay home and warm the house with my oven...

That's the plan anyway:)

I kinda gave myself a kick start on Friday (after lunch at Zuppa's of course).  Friday I made Creamy White Mac & Cheese with Kielbasa and apples. This was REALLY good.  I actually liked the Kielbasa and apples the freakin' good.  I used Turkey Kielbasa and Lil D chowed it. The mac and cheese was good too...I didn't have any saltines so I used bread crumbs and it was still delicious.  And then on Saturday we ate this...and with all the snacking and baking during the day...we pretty much skipped lunch...and now it is Sunday...and we eat at home on I am feeling pretty positive about how this is going to go! is day 1...only 30 days to go...want to join the challenge...leave me a comment!  I may even have to find a prize for anyone that can actually make it the whole month with eating in...this goes for EVERY meal!


Katie Snedeger said...

I think this is a great challenge, but hard at the same time. We do really well for dinners we hardly ever eat out anymore probably because the lack of good restaurants around here!!! But lunch time is so hard, I feel like lunch options are very scarce. And I get tired of the mac and cheese, ramon and sandwiches over and over. Creative Right??? So I think you should share some of your luch ideas to help us out!!

Jaymerz said...

I am in!! It will help the budget so I have more Christmas money, oh and the few pounds I want to loose before I stuff my face on Thanksgiving :).

Jamie said...

I hope you left some slip up room for when we come... I don't think Steve could handle not making "food runs" with Dave :-)

Keep'n up with the Cameron said...

I'm going to try but it's going to be hard...the thought of no sushi for a month!!! Wow!

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