or smart use of my coupons?
I have been to Joanns 4 days in a row...yep, I said 4 days...mind you my Joanns is seriously 3 minutes from my house...so I don't mind, or think it's a big deal...you may think differently:)
Monday I went to get my fabric for the curtains for the guest room. They were 40% off that day & I had an additional 10% my entire purchase.
Tuesday I went to buy a mesh material for my jewelry holder...normally $7...only $4 with my coupon.
Wednesday I went and bought a pillow for a pillow cover I bought off of etsy (wait till you see it on the new guest bed)...the 12x16 pillow is normally $10.99...only $6.60 with my coupon
Thursday I went to get one more fabric for my embroidery hoop project...it was on sale for 30% off...so I only spent $1.50.
The funny thing...I really didn't plan to go every day...it's just the way my week worked out as I am trying to finish all the projects on my to do list over there to the right....
Oh...and after a trip to the thrift store last night...I've added another project to the guest room...I found this chair for $10...my guests need somewhere to sit right?

I started sanding it today...it's been painted a few times:)
Looks like I'll be making another trip to buy some fabric here in the next few days:)
I'm linkin' to Frugalicious Friday
I thought it was no craft store february???
No craft store February turned into redo the basement February, which means...lots of trips to the craft store February...maybe I'll give it a try another month...the same month you do no sushi for a month:-) Love you sister....
I feel like I live at our local craft store. Some of the cashiers there are my best friends.
Love this chair -- the lines on it are fabulous.
I wish mine was that close but it is a process to get down there. Rob would say that was a good thing :). Can't wait to see what you do with the chair.
Sounds like it was worth making those trips! My Joann's has to be a planned trip because it is not a way I normally would go, but then I just make that the day I also go to Tuesday Morning {since that is down the same way}.
Oooh! I like your new chair!
I do the same thing at Hobby Lobby, intentionally. Then I can use a coupon each visit and like you, the store is so close to my house that it is on my way just about anywhere.
p.s.- we don't have a Joann's in Charlotte. Can you believe that??
No sushi for a whole month....I honestly don't think I could do that!
Thanks for that email about the sensory post...I read it and it was great!
It's just good use of your coupons. I admit there has been many a week I've been to Michael's at least 4 days in the week. I subscribe to 3 Sunday papers, thus 3 Michael's coupon plus the one I get in my email means I can (almost) always buy what I want with a coupon. See, you're not alone!
I have done the same thing at both JoAnnes and Michaels. There are so many coupons so you just gotta use them.
If I lived that close and had all those coupons... I'd be there everyday too. Great deals!
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