Sunday, December 27, 2009

You bet I was one of those people...

I decided to hit the after Christmas sales yesterday...and I had a great time...
Got to Target right when it opened (7am...not so bad) and picked up this platter...

I've been eyeing the whole collection for the past couple months...but didn't think I REALLY needed a dish collection just for the winter months since my white stuff works just fine. But I LOVE this platter and for 50% off I knew I couldn't pass it up. Besides, this baby can stay out through January!

I also picked up these stars at Target for 50% off.
I think they are so cute and will go perfectly with my kitchen decor next year...

A few years ago I bought a whole bunch of paper and I told myself I couldn't buy anymore till I used it all up...guess what...this year...used it all up...HURRAY...'cause Target had a ton of red-white-and silver that I REALLY needed at 50% off! I also bought all my neighbor plates for next years treats!

My favorite purchase had to be some "leather" gloves. I bought a pair for myself for my stocking (I played Santa) a few weeks ago...they were on sale yesterday for almost 1/2 off, so I bought the same pair again and will be returning the original pair...nice!

Then I headed to Tai Pan trading...
I was a little disappointed. Last year I bought so much stuff...but this year, their decor wasn't really my style or taste so they didn't have much that I could spend my money on...maybe a good thing:)

I did pick up 2 packages of these...

Then it was off to Pier 1 where I found this adorable silver tree that will go perfectly with my other decor that decks my living room shelves...

I hit a few other random stores before heading home to pick up the boys for some In n Out and all along the way I bought myself lots more of these...

What can I say...I love sparkly red ornaments!

Find anything you couldn't live without?


Its So Very Cheri said...

I love your ornaments. Where did you get the red ones. I wanted to go to Target to buy some wrapping paper but I did not feel good at all today and avoided it yesterday-4 kids with me in the huge crowds-NAH!!!

Sandra said...

Good deals...our Target was not that busy the day after Christmas and I did not pick up anything but I was hesitant at buying some candlesticks ...waiting to run in Monday and see if anything has been marked 70% yet.

Jaymerz said...

We trecked down to St. G to go shopping too. It was so much fun. Hydi found the cutest ornaments to hang from her lights outside and Mom found a bunch of ornaments for her tree. Plus Mom took bugs shopping and she got a ton of clothes. I found the cutest barn star stocking hangers at ace that are VERY heavy duty so I am going to spray paint them to match everything next year, so HAPPY!!

Unguren said...

I am such a crazy person! When I saw you I didn't ask how your dinner went...or thank you for fixing my necklace...or even ask how your Christmas was. Sorry.

But on the same note. Thank you, thank you, thank you for fixing my necklace. It is perfect.

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