My mom's mom passed away just over 7 years ago. My mom, being the only girl, acquired most of my grandma's stuff...especially of the kitchen/dining variety. This hutch is one of those items...filled of course with my Great-grandma's china that my Grandma had and used. My mom has since put her china in it as well.
(Whenever I picture my Grandma's house this is the piece of furniture I think of...there are too many memories to even begin just makes me smile)

The other night (I'm visiting my mom for a few weeks) I decided to set my Grandma's dining table with my mom's china...
I fell in love!
Can you even believe how gorgeous this pattern is?
It's Noritake: Lorelei
We didn't get to see it much growing up...there being 7 kids in the home and all.
Pretty sure my older sister and I will be fighting over these someday
(hopefully not for 50 years or longer:)
I want it in my house!
The tablecloth was crocheted by my great-grandmother.
1/2 the glasses were my grandma's and the other half are my mom's.
All the silver flatware is also my grandmothers, as are the candlestick holders.
Tonight my older sister and I did some searching on the internet to find a few additional pieces for my mom's set (it was discontinued in 1980). She has 6 full place settings, with an additional 2 salad plates. We decided 8 place settings would be better then 6. We also wanted to find some serving dishes. I'm pretty sure we scored...
We found the bread and butter plates for $1.88 a piece on ebay (every where else they were around $10 a piece). We found the 2 dinner plates for $30 a piece (every where else they were around $50). But our biggest score was a 5 piece serving set consisting of 2 serving bowls, a serving platter, the sugar bowl and creamer dish all for $42.00. The average prices we found were around $45 or $50 for each piece and $25 to $30 for the sugar bowl and creamer. We also got a tidbit tray that is too cute for words for $15. We could have spent around $350 but got it all for $ was awesome. Everything is in excellent condition and I can't wait for it to arrive!
I'm seeing a dinner party in my mother's future!
(I also set the table with my great-grandma's...I'll post those pics tomorrow)
I'm linking to show and tell Wednesday
I'm linking to tablescape thursday
Congrats on your great find! ♥
Very pretty...I love old china and the stories that go with them.
What a treasure! Consider yourself blessed!
Persistance works. I kept telling my mom that when she was ready to get rid of her china that I wanted it. Now it is all mine.
It is kindof similar to your mom's. Mine is Noritake ravel. Love it.
What a beautiful table!
Great table especially because of the story and enjoy your new old china when it comes!!
This is a beautiful tablescape! The Lorelai pattern is SO pretty. t looks like you found some great deals. One of these days I will figure out eBay!! Love the crocheted tablecloth too! :-)
Good for you! I'm glad you found more of this beautiful china to add to what your mom already has. It's so special to pass these treasures down through the family and to continue to enjoy them for family meals. So many memories associated with everyone gathered around a table. Thanks for sharing! ~ Sarah
Your china pattern is so simple -- yet so elegant.
The china pattern is pretty and I like it, but I ADORE the hutch. I really was hoping you would tell me where to get one like it....
Have fun!
the china is so simple and beautiful! i am really in love with the china hutch though! so retro!
I think you totally scored! I also think that it is awesome that you and your sister love your mom's china! It makes it so much more precious!
Teri, beautiful, beautiful crocheted tablecloth. It is so nice you could add to your mother's elegant china collection without breaking the bank. Thanks for sharing.
what fun to match china back with their friends. lol
You did well! What a treasure -- this is all lovely.
Okay that is too funny, that's my mom's pattern as well. (although since I got my grandma's china, I know my sister is getting mom's). The table looks beautiful!
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