If you look at that little list over there regarding the basement turned playroom, you may notice A LOT of things crossed off from that list...wanna see?
The basement before:

The basement tonight...

I know that wall color looks the same in the pics, but I promise I painted every square inch of this room from the ceiling to the walls to the baseboards. The tv has yet to find a new home (if you live in the Salt Lake area and want a perfectly good 32" tv (for cheap) email me). The stand it was on, was broken down...the shelf was cleared off and will soon find it's new home at Mr. T's office. The filing cabinet is going to be sideways so it can be a magnet board. The DVD player and VHS player still need to be moved (yep, we still own a VHS player:)
soooo where did all the "stuff" go?...well...the top shelf of scrapbooks were scanned and tossed. The second row of photo boxes and albums were organized and relocated to the bedroom closet shelves (they're Mr. T's and he isn't as eager to scan and dispose...his mom might kill me if we did since she made them). The rest of the stuff on the bottom half and floor surrounding is craft stuff and was nicely organized and stored in the craft closet. Oh...and all the paperwork on top of the filing cabinet, I finally got around to filing it:) The rest of the "stuff" in the room was either taken to DI or finally got put in its rightful home.
and there you have it...an (almost) clean slate for a play room...(I am gonna have to work around the treadmill...but that's okay)
I'm afraid the playroom decorating will have to be put on pause for the time being. I am going to move all the toys downstairs, but the fun stuff will come later. The upstairs renovations are about to begin and I still have that whole other list to get to in the next couple days.
At some point...I'll make a valance for the window (I need to clean the blinds too)...do some fun things for the filing cabinet magnet area...and I want to decorate the walls in fun art and vinyl saying. Hopefully Lil D will be okay that all of his toys are in the basement...I'm sure he will still drag them all over the house...but we'll try:)
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