Remember my $16 Ikea chair (I'm still jealous of my sister's $4 chair)

I bought some "crafty" fabric. I'm not sure why I loved this fabric so much...I wanted red...and I think I found humor in the fact that I would be covering my craft chair with scissor fabric...
some batting for cush...
the cutest little assistant...

a new (okay, it was new) but cutesy chair...
now I have somewhere to sit in my craft closet...

This past Saturday, when Mr. T went to Lowe's to buy a few more things to finish the craft closet, he found this piece of wood for $1 in the scrap he bought it along with some cork pieces...
add a little batting and fabric...

some ribbon and upholstery nails
...and the craft closet is complete...
(Ohhhhhh...let's just remind what it looked like before first:)

...ok...I still have to do the curtains and the printer will be going in the big blank space to the left and I might add something to the empty spaces below the bottom shelves. You can't see them, but the cricut and sewing machine are off behind the wall on the right...could I HAVE any more workspace...I just smile every time I walk in there!
It's only February 3rd and I am moving on to the guest room...maybe I will finish my February challenge after all?:)
I'm linkin' to
WOW!! I love the new chair! I have to agree with you! I love the fabric! I am a sucker for anything red! So darn cute with that fabric! The craft closet looks great! The best part about it is you can CLOSE the door and leave things just the way you want to! Love it!
Great work Mama Thompson from Mama Holli
Teri that looks so great!! I love that fabric, it is adorable. YAY for the new craft closet.
Looks fantastic! Beware; I will definitley be trying to recreate this in my guest room! Thanks so much for the pictures; they're very helpful!
The chair came out great! Love the fabric on the chair and memo board! Your little assistant is to adorable!
Nice job, it's looking great! Did you get rid of the Sizzix I thought I saw in your first post?
Thanks for all the nice comments! And Katie...I still have the sizzix...I have debated a ton over whether to get rid of it or not (since I have the cricut), but I can't seem to part with it:)
What a very cute assistant you have there. Love the chair.... I' jealous of your sister as well $3.00 chair... Your craft closet looks great...
Thanks for joining "Get Your Craft on Thurs." I hope you can join the party next week.
I love how it turned out. $16 was still a good deal for it!
That looks so good. I am excited for you and all your craft space.
So stinkin cute! It turned out so awesome! What a blessing to have so much work space.
This is awesome! Your scissor chair fabric is perfect for the craft closet - great find.
very cool! everything looks perfect and so organized. your are going to love having your own space. enjoy it!!
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